死刑とresignation of Japanese Prime Minister


Japan hangs three in secret executions
Friday August 24 2007

Japan carried out three secret hangings yesterday, setting a 31-year record for executions as it struggles to reduce a growing death row population.

In keeping with Japanese practice, the three prisoners were hanged in secret, without independent witnesses, and after years in solitary confinement. The men were told of their imminent deaths only yesterday morning. Their relatives and lawyers were informed after the event.

Japan has now carried out 10 hangings in 10 months, the most intense period of executions since 1976, when 12 people were hanged in a year.

It appears to be a response to the increasing number of inmates presently on death row, which this year rose to more than 100 for the first time, after a 15-month unofficial moratorium on executions.

The last Minister of Justice, a Buddhist lawyer, opposed the death penalty on moral grounds and did not sign any execution orders.

His successor, Jinen Nagase, reportedly has an enthusiasm for clearing the backlog.

According to the Asahi newspaper, he has told unnamed associates "I'll do double figures in my term [as minister]."

Hifumi Takezawa, 69, and Yoshio Iwamoto, 63, were hanged in Tokyo Detention House and Kozo Segawa, 60, in the central city of Nagoya. All were convicted of multiple murders.


結構知らなかったことが書いてあった。ここ30年では最多の死刑執行、しかも身内には執行後に連絡、その理由もどうやら死刑囚が過去最高で初めて100人を越えたとか。前法務大臣長勢甚遠は「reportedly has an enthusiasm for clearing the backlog.(未処理事(=死刑判決受けて未だ執行されていない死刑囚)の片づけに熱意を持っていると伝えられている)」って、なんか英語だと直截すぎてひどい印象を受けて口がふさがらない。「I'll do double figures in my term(任期中に二桁に載せる)」と言ってみたり。意訳はかなり恣意的にやってしまったが。secret hangingって言葉が異常に感じさせる。
Irish Independent紙がこういう記事を載せることにはそれなりの理由があるわけで。アイルランドには死刑はないらしいが、その辺もあるのかな。

安倍ちゃんは、「Abe, a nationalist who entered office as Japan’s youngest post-war premier」って書かれてるし。
「“I have pondered how Japan should continue its fight against terrorism,” Abe said. “I now believe we need change. So Japan must continue its fight against terrorism under a new prime minister.”」
彼の成果は、「He also passed a law bolstering patriotic education and upgrading the Defence Agency to a full ministry for the first time since the Second World War.」ってもう最悪。

Support for the political blue-blood was also eroded by his concentration on ideological issues – such as patriotism and constitutional reform – at a time when many Japanese are concerned over the widening gap between rich and poor and other bread-and-butter worries.
http://www.irishnews.com/ の、本日のbreaking newsより。


Irish independentには、「His former Foreign Minister, Taro Aso, is regarded as the front-runner to replace him.」って書いてある。やっぱりそうなの、やっぱりそうなの? らめぇぇぇぇぇぇぇぇぇ! って書いても他にやり手がいなさそうだ。もう誰でもいいよ。外国人にはAbeもAsoも対して変わりはしないし、だいたい小泉だってなんであんなに有名かっていうとその第一はあの髪型だったからなんだから。